zhangqiang 发表于 2017-1-23 00:53:03

Xenserver The Date/Time you entered was not valid

安装Xenserver 到最后一步设置本地时间 , 提示"The Date/Time you entered was not valid"错误 , 无论改成什么都会提示这个错误 , 如何解决呢?

"I had this exact same issue. It still works with 4 digit year but you have to delete all cell contents, press OK, then re-enter info."

这个是通过谷歌搜索到的结果 ,亲测可用 .

就是把所有的年月日时间分钟全部清空 ,再点击OK , 提示错误后 再重新输入一次时间 , 一定可以 !

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